Tuesday, January 2, 2007

What's New?

Felicity continues to be a little talker. She seems to be expanding her vocabulary at quite a clip. Today, on one of her routine inspections of my cooking, noted that I was making soup, and that I had put walnuts in my salad. Tonight when she was ready for bed and I was chatting away to Kwamai, she announced loudly "Up on the bed!"

She loves music. Besides The Wiggles, she also loves a CD called A Child's Celebration of the World, and she is beginning little by little to sing along. We have music on all day long, especially since she has learned to operate the CD player.

Kwamai and Felicity both like dumping salt on things. Kwamai is better about keeping his concoctions in dishes, while Felicity prefers the bench, floor, her toys, or her hair.

Kwamai is maturing daily. He spends hours doing imaginary play which is obviously deeply complex to him, with certain required clothing (or, sometimes, the lack thereof), and I find he frequently comes out of these play sessions with rather profound spiritual thoughts. He composed an email to Erol today all on his own, and read it back to me. It was brief, but it was all words that made sense. It is interesting that he seems to be learning to write faster than he is learning to read.

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